Wednesday 23 October 2013

Photo Transfer onto Canvas

I love when i see potraits on canvases. But little did i know that you can make them right out of your home! This DIY is actually quite simple but so fun and so worth it. I have to say there were some challenging parts in the process of doing so, but you can get through it.

So first i made my own Mod Podge because you will need it for your finishing product on the canvas to make it shine. To make Mod Podge all you need is an old jar you dont use anymore, Elmers glue, and water. Very easy. I also added a lable on my jar saying "Rachel's Mod Podge." 

To make a canvas potrait you will need the following:
-Mod podge
-Tape + Scissors
-Foam brush
-Stretched out canvas
-Printed photo (I took one of my family photos)
-Black Acrylic Paint

First you will print out a photo from a laser printer or just a regular printer at your home. I put my photo onto a word document and then i printed it out and made it black and white for a more antique look. After that i took my stretched out canvas and took my foam brush and just brushed Mod Podge all over it. 

Next i put the photo on the canvas and pressed it down because there were some bubbles because of the Mod Podge underneath. After doing that I put more Mod Podge over top of the photo and let it dry for around 15-20 minutes. 

After you let it dry i wanted to give it more of a rustic look so i took a black sponge and used my black acrylic paint to just dab around the edges. Adding paint tops it off and makes it look a lot better i find!

I was very happy of how this project turned out. You can do this anytime and use it as a gift or a present to someone as well. The hardest part was choosing what method i wanted to use to transfer the photo onto the canvas. You can do other methods with tissue paper, laser printer one too. Overall this project wasn't expensive at all! I bought the Elmers glue from the dollar store for only $2.00 as well as the canvas was only $4.00, and i didn't need to buy anything else! I highly suggest you try it out!


  1. your picture turned out great! :) I really like it and it's a good picture. it seems like a good, simple process, I think I'm gonna have to try this sometime!
    looks great!

  2. Woah thats sooo cool! Never knew it wasn't so complicated to do this whole thing! Thanks for the step by step, I think I'll try this soon ... probable a birthday gift for mama bear's b-day :O :P
